Monday, December 13, 2010

My journney through the water cycle

day 18,

i have to do something. for the next few weeks i tryed to get rid of all the grose. but i couldnt do it because there is to much grose for one water particle to handle.

My joutmry through the water cycle

day 17,

my family its contaminated and its all my fault.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My journey through the water cycle

day 16,

we finally reached the water. but the fecies worked on contaminating the water really fast and had already contaminated the whole area.

My journey through the water cycle

day 15,

we started to slow down but not enogh to stop us from contaminating the water.

my journey through the water cycle

day 14,

we started moving towards the ocean. but then we remembered that we have animal fecies still caught on us. so we could not return to the ocean because it would contaminate the water. but it does not seem that we have a choice.